He had rice mixed with chopped lamb, egg and carrots... I had mutton bolognese spagetti with cheese... We had dinner together over tv... Then we just sat lazily over more tv....when he suddenly realised... there was still bolognese sauce on my plate...and despite being the well bred basset hound...he wasn't spoilt and knew of the many starving stray dogs all over the world, so he refused to let the food go to waste... I named him foot stool...but seeing this fact...i should have named him dishwasher instead... Meet my new dog who I named foot stool...I adopted him over from a friend CY Phang.He used to be called jazz but i thought jazz was a stupid name for a dog so I renamed him...jazz is now his surname...he is a two years old pure bred basset hound and cannot be friendlier or lazier...but he will do anything for food...he doesn't do any tricks yet...but he can drink from a cup... and everytime i sit on my sofa...he'll come and lie down right infront within just the right distance to be a foot stool. so yeah...friends...next time you are in the damansara/ taman tun area...give a ring and come by to visit froggie and his new pal Footstool.
This is a little bit late...but I pledge to tell as many people
it may not be a great thing for one person to do it...but I pledge to turn off all power and sit in the dark for one hour nonetherless...I hope all of you, my friends will do the same...and do that little bit for the environment... =)
why do we love the zoo? well, wild animals of course =)
"Hey,we are gonna bring some orphans to the zoo tommorow...wanna come and help out?" my good spider friend said to me...I really wanted to but in my mind I was thinking...you need to work, work, work...
So I was initially reluctant...but then I thought...it's easter...i do good to make someone happy and I myself simply adore children...having taught sunday school and worked with children on my film...
my sunday school class
So off I went with only a three hour sleep the night before...with spider dennis and basset hound brother timmy...to the zoo with ophans.When we reached there...the other group that were suppose to bring the orphans were already there...so we immediately went into silly hoo haa mode...
and we quickly made friends with the kids...behaving slightly silly to break the ice...and the ice broke quickly...
help! I am caught in the middle of a hindraf rally!!!!
perhaps it's because I am a kid at heart or trying hard to be one...but I simply adore children...and I was so happy even though I had to try organise them by screaming my lungs out "lion's roar!!" and keep an eye on them constantly...
But we cannot blame them...as a child they have a wide worldview and the world seems so big and so magical to them that they will be almost impatient in trying to get as much in...it's nature's way to teach the young...
So I try to be as accomodating...I carried them on my shoulder...flipped them and talked to them...trying to be their friend...I did become popular because i could flip them...but I feel so unappreciated when they called me of all things...UNCLE! :(
I'd rather they call me friend...but it was all good...AS I was leaving...Megan said thank you...I think it's me who is in debt of a thank you. =) thanks to my two friends who invited me along...thanks for the wonderful people I've met...MEGAN,LAURENCE,MAY,ERIC,KEN and thanks to the children for all the smiles...all the smiles they gave me and all the smiles they put on my face.
I can't believe that at the begining I was actually thinking of going...I'll never think again...got children? bring it on!!! hehehe
This weekend is turning into a very holy weekend.The hindus, christians and islams all have significant religious event over this few days.
Yesterday was a public holiday, me and my trail trekkers group decided to go up to bukit tabur or bukit melawati. As usual, we plan to start very early in the morning at 6am(meaning with some group members obeserving malaysian time, we started at 7am). It began with a drive up to wangsa maju to meet a bunch of new friends gathered by aries(a self declared kampung girl who just joined us on our last trip) The drive up to wangsa maju was a beautiful one with a simply gorgeous sunrise ahead of us.
Upon reaching wangsa maju...aries informed us that on her side she has about 16 people coming...so plus the five of us,that's a whopping 23 people...well...okie.So as everyone gathered...it did become a big group...and it was a good opportuinity to go crazy...so I told them...the word for the day is hoo haa...once someone shout hoo haa...everyone would too...here's our practice...
And so with that...we set off on our adventure...
At first it looked like any other jungle walk albiet being uphill. However as we reached closer to the top...typical forest folliage started to thin until there was only a few plants left which dominated the landscape above...the plants had really thin string like leaves.The earth also gave way to rock face and here's where the fun began. It's a climbing trip and we were climbing allright and having alot of fun at it...The trail trekkers were really singing outloud, either that or it's just me...being hyper as I was climbing without a single wink the night before...but I am sure...I heard echoes from the rest....
Up above...there was gorgeous scenery to be had...also on hikes like this you expect to see birds...well as I thought that the yield of animals on this track was low suddenly we saw a whole flock of birds! It must be paper crane season!!!
Three of us also found God
The only flaw of the day was the stronger members of the group had to travel a little slower to accomodate the weaker new members of the group...and some parts...a few of us were too excited and ran ahead...frog is also guilty....much to the dismay of a loyal spider who has the principle of staying as a group...spider btw...will have his own blog posting on the day on his blog here...but eventually, we all did reach the end...which offers this scenery
To some it was a little bit of an anticlimax after a three hour trek across 'dangerous' cliffs but I day say of the journey, everyone had fun negotiating the rock face mountain ridge...enjoying the scenery, the nice warmth of the morning sun, friends, singing out loud like crazy and just being outdoors...here are some additional pictures...
This is a painting by rembrant of the biblical story 'the prodigal son'.The story(here simplified) is a simple albiet beautiful one, of a son who ran away from his father after taking his share of the family fortune coming home broke and world weary. He just wanted food and never expected anything from his father but despite his failings...his father ran out to him and just loved him and rejoiced for his son has come home...
Early this lenten season,I've attended a christian retreat...called the Prodigal Son I believe in God however...I don't feel God or my faith is somewhat a matter of sheer will to believe and not one that is a conviction of my heart...I decided to take time off to allow myself to find God again.
As I've said many times before...God has been good to me.For one, I am born healthy with great parents.I am blessed with good friends or have this job where I enjoy myself and make good money...I am essentially partaking in my hobby and getting paid for it.Will I be able to come from a simple Sarawakian family to Kuala Lumpur and without a degree enter the film industry and become someone who has directed a movie for the cinema?Don't get me wrong...I am not trying to be prideful...but thankful...thankful for all he's given me.
But despite him always giving to me, I have been the sinner.I have got lust and pride and though I stupidly say well,I've never killed anyone...someone blew me out of the water saying well...killing someone's spirit is killing...that I've done...screaming at people when I am angry.Yes I am the sinner.
So I went in search of absolution...but would a God whom I have been nothing but a shitty sinner take me home? Is this why my faith is paper thin or at least feels paper thin? Well...as I walked into the Loyala hall at St. Francis Xavier and I was greeted by my own home parish's Archibishop John Ha..."Nice to see you here Linus, where is your brother..." I already felt home...
Minutes later...we sang together softly and gently jesus is calling...calling for you and for me....come home, ye who are weary come home...I wept...like a baby. It was a crazy outpour of emotion from me...and I wasn't even trying to be affected by it...I was just swept by the fact that I can always go home...Later...as I was kneeling in prayer...seeing nothing but the cement floor between my feet...I cried again...and like a flush of toxins coming out...I felt great again...I am allowed to come home...no wait, I am very much welcomed home...
only the sight of my feet and cold concrete floor...and yet as i knelt...I felt an alarming presence of peace...and I cried...of sadness and of joy....
... the poor boy who is in the father's midst is bald in the painting...while this can be observed that he was a slave for a while after losing everything...do notice that it is also the head of a fetus...one of pure and innocence...you can have grace and salvation again no matter how bad you've been... =)
So for any of you weary and in need of rest...know that you are always welcome to home...don't reason...don't think...don't try to be holy...just come home....
Come to me,all of you who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28
Have a great holy thursday, a good good friday and a wonderful easter...
"Looks mum...i've got toxic drums...." is what I'll say had I been about 7 years of age and made these...today...I'd say the same but I rather say..."Look mum...your son is still playing with paint and he's 28 and earning from it!"
Who says art don't pay...but it's good mothers everywhere believe so...less men more share. But honestly...I tell you...art pays...it makes me have a pretty good life and so satisfied with what I do...
I am currently at work at a new stop motion animation...it's not a job...it's not anything for money...that's what people assume all working people should do everyday...make money, make money, make money....I am happy that I have a job where I can be always actively creating and get paid for it but I decided early on that in this life I will not do everything for money...I am not a slave to it...
It's a new animated (cartoon if you will)short film of a story that I want to tell. It's about our environment and what matters most in life....friends,love and life itself. You all have to see the finished film to enjoy it but for now let me share with you the little steps in making this film and how fun it all is.
Stop motion is an old animation technique where you create all the props and film them on a camera frame by frame to make an animated film...it's labor intensive and heavily utilised prior to the computer taking over everything but now it's largely a loss craft...so why do I do it and don't i just make it on a computer....
Well...it's hard work but it's alot of fun this way...
In the story...i need a toxic drum...as I illustrate in my storyboard
and so I set out to make them...recycling old soft drink cans....
i also need a drain...and so...
out come some old cardbox(from product packaging...I am enviromentally friendly)...snip snip...glue glue....paint paint and you get
drains....the reason why it's made in two so that it can be pulled apart to accomodate the camera...
well...as you can see...i am having alot of fun...wish to have the same fun? start doing stop motion animation yourself!!!! :P For those interested...I'll update on my stop motion project here from time to time! I am currently being assisted by Dennis Teh on the creations of this film. :)
Sorry readers...been away from blogging for awhile. Quite alot happened in my life since Chinese New Year.
I've broken up with my girlfriend and it sadly seems like it's for good.
I decided to up my ante and hiring two permanent fulltime staff, my company has always been operating on managing a strong base of freelancers. This two full time staff are great and despite not being demanding in terms of pay to help me adjust, they are still a financial responsibility. I am also trying to be a good boss understanding to their needs and also to always motivate them.
My movie was on ASTRO channel 333 and is the top 5 film for the chinese new year period.
I went back to church in a bigger way. I confessed all my faults and sins and cried that I was free and accepted home.I now want to be more committed to my faith.
Now...I am getting myself ready to do my first big commercial feature film while trying to win a contract to have the financing for it.Also I am trying hard to expand by doing bigger and better jobs.
Now I am also trying to commit to update this blog regularly.
Living Life to the full...I hope to live by the principle that success doesn't mean making a tonne of money though I am blessed that i do make a decent sum...but success equates to appreciateing all the God given wonder this world has to offer before my time is up...