Friday, February 12, 2010

Conquerors of the useless!

Conquerors of the useless!

This video is dedicated to my trail trekking buddies... =) note "It's not an adventure until something goes WRONG.Yvon Chouinard"


Ashed_Dreams said...

i LOLed at the person falling off the cliff. XD

aurelius said...

Linus eh... That is just a quote...

My quote is, 'An adventure is a journey which fills with exciting learning experience'

We learn from mistake, we avoid mishaps and we all must live to tell all the adventure we have been trough... AIYO....



About Me

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Living Life to the full...I hope to live by the principle that success doesn't mean making a tonne of money though I am blessed that i do make a decent sum...but success equates to appreciateing all the God given wonder this world has to offer before my time is up...