Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Look Mum...Toxic Drums

"Looks mum...i've got toxic drums...." is what I'll say had I been about 7 years of age and made these...today...I'd say the same but I rather say..."Look mum...your son is still playing with paint and he's 28 and earning from it!"

Who says art don't pay...but it's good mothers everywhere believe so...less men more share. But honestly...I tell you...art pays...it makes me have a pretty good life and so satisfied with what I do...

I am currently at work at a new stop motion animation...it's not a job...it's not anything for money...that's what people assume all working people should do everyday...make money, make money, make money....I am happy that I have a job where I can be always actively creating and get paid for it but I decided early on that in this life I will not do everything for money...I am not a slave to it...

It's a new animated (cartoon if you will)short film of a story that I want to tell. It's about our environment and what matters most in life....friends,love and life itself. You all have to see the finished film to enjoy it but for now let me share with you the little steps in making this film and how fun it all is.

Stop motion is an old animation technique where you create all the props and film them on a camera frame by frame to make an animated film...it's labor intensive and heavily utilised prior to the computer taking over everything but now it's largely a loss craft...so why do I do it and don't i just make it on a computer....

Well...it's hard work but it's alot of fun this way...

In the story...i need a toxic drum...as I illustrate in my storyboard

and so I set out to make them...recycling old soft drink cans....

i also need a drain...and so...

out come some old cardbox(from product packaging...I am enviromentally friendly)...snip snip...glue glue....paint paint and you get

drains....the reason why it's made in two so that it can be pulled apart to accomodate the camera...

well...as you can see...i am having alot of fun...wish to have the same fun? start doing stop motion animation yourself!!!! :P For those interested...I'll update on my stop motion project here from time to time! I am currently being assisted by Dennis Teh on the creations of this film. :)


HuonHengChai said...

Some call it work, I call it "Playing God"!

Cmate said...

gosh, that drain is in here.... and the cans too. I thought the cans are cool... still dont like the drain. :P

klown said...

very cool barrels, more props like these, u could make a spawn-like animated, or sin city-style black-n-white-with-certain-colored-objects. Very cool, since both ur artwork on the props look really good for that film noir style.

Anonymous said...

Heys! Sorry for the late comment...hahaha...looks like you guys are doing an awesome job!!! :D :D :D Love how everything is made...super creative stuff. :D In the third pic behind the unpainted drain..is that an uprooted tree?
Can't wait to see how the animation is gonna turn out... :D :D :D



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Living Life to the full...I hope to live by the principle that success doesn't mean making a tonne of money though I am blessed that i do make a decent sum...but success equates to appreciateing all the God given wonder this world has to offer before my time is up...