Tuesday, April 22, 2008

mother poster 3

Yet another subject matter and poster...

here is an alternative but i find this one too depressing...


Anonymous said...

the poster looks like unretouched photos. it might be a kind of "style"....gua

what i hope is that the audience can learn something after watching the documentary. audience should be rewarded by having some thoughts and information after spending their time on the film. focusing on its content is important, which i believe linus has been doing so.

Yellow Jedi said...

Fourth one is depressing but I can't stop scrolling down and see it over and over again as compared to the first two. First two doesn't say much. The third one would be my 2nd choice if you find it too depressing.now, i am depressed....I have nothing technical to add.

Cmate said...

Fourth one is indeed a good shot. Considering that we know what MOTHER is all about, the posters make sense. But for the public audience, don't think they can click the title MOTHER with the poster. SUddenly, doesn't quite make sense. At least my friends don't see the association with it. If they have to watch before they know the meaning of the poster, kinda defeats the purpose. Poster not engaging, who is going to watch? Sell the poster, then the documentary.

Oops, did I blurp out too much? Hahaha!

Yellow Jedi said...

What cybermate said bout the poster not engaging enough is true. I showed it to my friend (who doesn't know the story behind) and she said she can't relate the poster to MOTHER.Perhaps a single slogan/tag line to say what the documentary is about would help?



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Living Life to the full...I hope to live by the principle that success doesn't mean making a tonne of money though I am blessed that i do make a decent sum...but success equates to appreciateing all the God given wonder this world has to offer before my time is up...