Monday, January 11, 2010

Bukit Tabur East. Again, in Majesty's Threshold

It's a funny thing in the morning when you are so hesitant to wake up and the thoughts of clambering up a hill at that hour just want to make you resign back to bed hugging that pillow. I have many a times felt that way. But I gradually make myself get up and brush off the night's lazy comfort and take my bag again ready to venture into yet another jungle and climb another mountain. Sunday, we were going up Tabur East. Approximately 1000 feet.

At the begining, I was still cursed with a few yawns and dragged my foot a little to get up and be on my way but as the adrenaline gradually kicked in. I felt so alive. Steep inclines that annoyed me as I had to push my way up now became a fun challenge.

Tabur East was much more challenging that tabur west and posed more death traps; edges where you could fall off to oblivion aplenty and sharp ragged limestone crystal rocks to cut you on the way down. I relished it.Didn't quite feel much fatigue as the promise of rewarding sights above supercharged me.
And it was majestic...beyond words as usual.
However, there were some rubbish strewn about even at this high altitude to remind me of the sad society that i live in. Come on people...the sweet wrappers does not weigh anything...just put it in your pocket and carry it down with you. Otherwise...may any pontianks on the mountain curse you to a deserving death from falling on your next visit.


Ashed_Dreams said...

Its harder because there are more vertical parts on Tabur east. Awesome trip.

Xion said...

may any pontianks on the mountain curse you to a deserving death from falling on your next visit. <--- makes me rolling on floor laughing.... I heard sum almost dead from the trip...

Ashed_Dreams said...

the guy coming down after me loosen a rock by accident almost landing on me when I'm half way going down... fuck...

Linus Linnaeus said...

The danger adds to the flavour of adventurelah....lucky you



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Living Life to the full...I hope to live by the principle that success doesn't mean making a tonne of money though I am blessed that i do make a decent sum...but success equates to appreciateing all the God given wonder this world has to offer before my time is up...