Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Jump in Joy for You are PAIN free!!! Yippee!!!!

Sorry I was out from posting abit...was in absolute pain the past few days...took a nasty fall that put me into this rather weird physical condition whereby I am really painful in the morning...so painful that I can even turn in bed...my nose is filled to the brim with 'hingus'(Malay word. sounds so much cooler than the word sneeze juice) and I can't sleep or get up...and everytime I croak...it hurts...my chest feels like it's caving in...a reflect action so says the doctor....but anyway, I am hurting and it's an awful feeling I wish for nobody...much less myself...what can I do but lay there in pain questioning my rather painful twist of fate and whether there is a lesson to be learnt...I am sure there is...

Why did I take the fall? Was I not careful enough? Why didn't I take better care of myself...Do I deserve all this pain? Some of you out there who know me would know that I fancy myself capable of pulling a few stunt tricks and taking a few falls...so I ussually fall and still feel pretty happy about it...yes,I have a few srews loose up there.... but then again... there is no pride or honour to be had from this fall...it's weird...no camera was on to capture the balletic way in which I negotiated the slip, tripped and fell... damn....at least then I would have something to show for it.

I was at the doctor asking him that I m ok right? It's just pain right?
The doctor said...no...pain is still something unpleasant and unwanted...so I am not ok...how philosophical...how true...But seriously...alot of us take it for granted that we are not in pain, everything's fine...we should really take an extra step to not be in pain...we should appreciate times when we are not in pain and that should be reason enough to jump in joy... yeahhh....auugghh... I am in pain...now I just wish time can just be transient and it'll pass...yes, the doctor says that it's just a matter of waiting it through...sigh...

Regards from a painful frog in hopes of painfree days... croak!!!

1 comment:

lishun said...

pain is good...it keeps you from making the same mistake twice. lol.



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Living Life to the full...I hope to live by the principle that success doesn't mean making a tonne of money though I am blessed that i do make a decent sum...but success equates to appreciateing all the God given wonder this world has to offer before my time is up...